patrickmurfin Jul 04, 2011 07:02
john adams, thomas jefferson, continental congress, declaration of independence
patrickmurfin Jan 13, 2011 05:57
samuel adams, tea party, declaration of independence, john adams, american revolution, continental congress, boston, massachusetts, john hancock
patrickmurfin Jul 04, 2010 08:47
american revolution, benjamin franklin, john adams, independence day, thomas jefferson, continental congress, declaration of independence
patrickmurfin Apr 14, 2010 09:03
constitution, philadelphia, benjamin rush, john denver, declaration of independence, universalism, african methodist episcopal church, slavery, thomas jefferson, john adams, american revolution, unitarianism
patrickmurfin Jul 04, 2009 06:46
benjamin franklin, john adams, independence day, thomas jefferson, july 4th, declaration of independence
patrickmurfin Jun 13, 2009 20:02
barack obama, jesus, arctic, thomas jefferson, john adams, edgar allan poe, eugene v. debs, walt whitman, mark twain, william ellery channing, franklin roosevelt, martin luther king, benjamin franklin, constitution, joe hill, assasination, declaration of independence, mother jones
patrickmurfin Aug 13, 2007 13:26
vaccination, horace mann, martin luther king, potato famine, nelson mandella, unitarian universalists, providence, declaration of independence, thomas jefferson, stalin, sons of liberty, theodore parker
patrickmurfin Jul 06, 2007 12:09
nationalism, edgar allan poe, eugene v. debs, moon, franklin roosevelt, theodore parker, martin luther king, tom paine, fourth of july, crystal lake, fredrick douglas, declaration of independence, margaret sanger, james garfield, patriotism, julia ward howe, locomotive
patrickmurfin Jul 01, 2007 10:38
john adams, thomas jefferson, walt disney, july 4th, statue of liberty, mississippi, declaration of independence
patrickmurfin Jun 28, 2007 20:21
independence day, medgar evers, mississippi, gaza, declaration of independence, crystal lake